What Is the Difference Between AR and VR?
You may have heard of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), and wonder what the difference between the two technologies is. While they are similar in that they both involve technology that enhances real-world experiences, there are actually some major differences to be aware of, especially if you want to make sure your investment in either type of technology will pay off for your business. In this article, we’ll look at the difference between VR and AR from several perspectives, including the definition of each term and how you can use each one in your business.
What is virtual reality technology?
There are various types of virtual reality technology available today. The following information will outline some of those technologies, how they are used, and how they differ from one another. In order to understand what is virtual reality technology, it helps to first be familiar with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Both terms can often be used interchangeably as they both refer to technologies that change your perception of reality around you by placing computer-generated images in your field of view.
What are the benefits of using virtual reality technology in education?
Though virtual reality technology is making its way into areas of everyday life, one area where its uses can be especially valuable are in education. Here are just a few of our favorite ways that educators around the world are using virtual reality to make learning more fun for students.
What is Augmented Reality (AR)?
AR is a type of technology that combines real-world elements with computer-generated images to produce an immersive experience. The terms virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are often used interchangeably, but they do not mean quite the same thing. That said, there is a lot of overlap in terms of what they can be used for in business.
How can AR be used in education and business?
Augmented reality, or AR, takes over when virtual reality technology can’t provide what you need. While both AR and VR are immersive technologies, they differ in fundamental ways. For example, virtual reality requires wearing a headset that blocks out your surroundings while augmenting them with computer-generated images. Augmented reality overlays information onto your physical environment so you can see it through a screen or special glasses.
How does AR differ from VR, MR, etc.?
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have become synonymous in many people’s minds, but they are not necessarily one in the same. Augmented reality is simply a type of enhanced experience—the technology overlays elements from your surroundings on top of real-time video captured through your phone or tablet screen. Virtual reality, on the other hand, simulates an entire environment for which you are immersed when you wear a headset.